Conference  "How to Improve School Meals?"

Date and Time: October 17, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Tõrvandi School (Ülenurme, Tartu County)

Language: Estonian

Target Audience: School administrators, teachers; managers, kitchen managers, municipal leaders, procurement specialists, education officials and specialists involved in school catering, parents, students, all interested parties.

Organizers: Associaton of the Municipalities of Tartu County and Tartu Biotechnology Park in cooperation with Tartu County Development Association.

The conference is co-funded by the European Union through programs EIT Food, LEADER, and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programs' projects "Circular FoodShift" and “BSR Food Coalition.”

Registration: Open until October 10, 2024

Conference Program (to be updated):

9:30-10:00 Arrival and morning coffee
10:00 Welcome and opening remarks by Jarno Laur, Chairman of the Board of the Association of the Municipalities of Tartu County
10:15-12:00 Presentations
  • Ingrid Põldsaar, Advisor in the Public Health Department at the Ministry of Social Affairs, will share the government's perspective.
  • Taavi Tillmann, Associate Professor of Public Health at the University of Tartu, will explain the gap between ideal and average food, and how to reduce this gap in school meals.
  • Jesper Holter, a medical student and coordinator of the Conscious Eating project of the Estonian Medical Students' Association (EMSA) since 2024, will talk about the basics of youth nutrition and what happens to the body when meals are irregular.
  • Nutrition expert Tuuli Taimur will discuss habit formation and interventions to overcome differences.
  • We will learn about students' views and expectations for school catering.

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

13:00-15:00 Workshops (held simultaneously, please select your preferred workshop when registering):

1️⃣ “How to  Popularize the Job of Kindergarten and School Cook”
Led by Tartu Vocational College.
The workshop will discuss why working as a cook in an educational institution is not the first choice for young people and what needs to be done to popularize the profession.

2️⃣ “From Fuel Break to Well-being Break – Food Education Initiatives That Created Change”
Experience shared by Aile Kilgi, Director of Melliste School, and Päivi Märjamaa, Director of Puhja School.
Workshop led by Harald Lepisk,
The workshop will share best practices and discuss how to transform the lunch break into a time that enhances students' overall well-being.

3️⃣ “Changing Children’s and Youths’ Eating Habits – Opportunities and Challenges”
Discussion led by Jaanus Jõeorg, Administrative Director of Lohkva Kindergarten, Gloria Taaber, a 12th-grade student at Parksepa High School, Terje Rüütel, Director of Kambja Kindergarten Mesimumm, and head chef Ene Rüütli.
Workshop led by Allan Hallik, Health Promotion Specialist for Educational Institutions in Tartumaa.
The workshop will discuss the challenges and opportunities in changing eating habits and how to balance taste, attractiveness, and nutritional value in school meals.

4️⃣ “How to Motivate, and Inspire Your Team?”
Experience shared by Krista Loog, Director of Elva Services, and Siim Roomet, Head Chef of Tõrvandi School's school restaurant.
Workshop led by Liis Rosin, Deputy Mayor of Kambja Municipality.
The workshop will discuss how to keep kitchen staff motivated and engaged.

5️⃣ “What Changes Are Needed to Prevent the Students going to the Nearest Foodstore?”
Workshop led by Anna Celine Kraus, Medical Student and Coordinator of the Conscious Eating Project (2022-2024) of the Estonian Medical Students' Association.
The workshop will brainstorm practical solutions to improve school nutrition and reduce the need for snacks.

15:00-15:15 Stretch and Coffee Break

15:15-16:00 Workshop Summaries and Conclusion

Registration Information:
☑️ The conference is free for registered participants.

☑️ Registration information HERE.

For more information, please contact:
Kaidi Randpõld
Development Specialist
+327 5326 8963