Empowering people of the welfare sector in the Tartu County 

One of the priorities of the Vision for Healthy and Safe Tartumaa is to bring up health-conscious young generations. We attach great importance to targeting prevention efforts at children and young people because the impact is the largest in this group. There were only four health promoting schools and not a single health promoting kindergarten in our county in 2007. The year 2008 saw the beginning of the era of networking. The Association of County Personal and Social Education Teachers laid the ground for expansion. They became the hotbed of innovative ideas about the inclusion of children/young people in adopting and maintaining healthy lifestyle. Today, there are 19 health promoting schools and 18 health promoting kindergartens in the county. In addition, there are 13 representatives of health promoting youth centres.

Improving wellbeing in the county, involvement of local authorities

In 2010, with the support of the European Social Fund, systemic action was launched for mapping the factors affecting health and collecting statistics in the county. As a result, policy directions for public health development became more focussed. The County Health Profile, the first milestone of its kind, was prepared in 2010. It marked the beginning of intensive work of involving local municipalities in the promotion of public health, providing training to the mayors and representatives of rural municipalities and empowering welfare networks of local municipalities.