Interreg Europe project "Digital Rural"

Interreg Europe project "Digital Rural. Improving policies for the promotion of Smart Villages and rural digital transformation" aims to
improve the coordination on the coming funds from the different EU,
national and local policies, making the investment more efficent and
effective in order to accelerate the implementation of the Smart Village
concept, and decrease the digital gap with urban areas.

To achieve it, each rural area has to implement a community-led
COMMUNITY-LED process, where the selection of the priorities and
funding lines will be marked by a BOTTOM-UP approach, through stakeholders engagement and participation, that will be reinforced by parallel top-down innovative solutions identified through the interregional exchange of experiences promoted in the project.

Project implementation period: 1 Apr 2024 - 30 Jun 2028

Budget: 2,102,700 €

Lead Partner

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (CIHEAM MAICh)

Partners:  Innovation & Management Centre Limited (Ireland), Leitrim County Council Partner Ireland (Ireland), Region of Crete (Greece), Vidzeme Planning region (Latvia), Pannon Novum West-Transdanubian (Hungary), Vas County Government Office (Hungary), Associaton of the Municipalities of Tartu County (Estonia), Elva Municipality (Estonia), Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (Poland), Municipality Hof van Twente (Netherlands), University of Ljubljan (Slovenia).

Contact: Entrepreneurship Project Manager Piret Arusaar, phone +372 516 2945, e-mail